ForClassmates Press Releases
Prezentace na TV Nova a ČT1
Už jsme prošli rukama více než 50 tis. studentů
Our mission
Our goal is to provide the highest quality education available to everyone around the world. Our mission is to ensure that learning is fun and interesting for all students regardless of their location. With our platform, the world has education literally in their pocket.more than 300 high schools in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. But this was not enough for us and we came up with the idea to create an online platform accessible to everyone. On the platform you can find uploaded all our 47 textbooks and workbooks. However, we also allow other users to contribute learning materials that we check for accuracy. We offer a variety of interactive features, including videos and questions to make the learning process fun and engaging from the students' point of view. Gamification is also a matter of course.
ForClassmates in the media has written about us in connection with the publication of our textbooks.
Our mission
Our goal is to provide what the highest quality education that is accessible to everyone around the world. Our mission is to ensure that learning is entertaining and interesting for all students regardless of their location. With our platform, the world has education literally in their pocket.
Do you want more information? Contact us!
Book with our Ondra video call and ask for anything you want.